Things to do and Useful Information

Useful Information

Walking and Cycling


  • Loch fishing – three lochs within walking distance of property, Barnluasgan, Coillebhar and Linnhe – permits available locally
  • Sea fishing nearby


  • Old Gartnagrenach and Chambered Cairn
  • Arichonan
  • Oib
  • Kilmartin Glen, Standing Stones and Museum, Dunadd Fort
  • Carnasserie Castle
  • Castle Sween
  • Auchindrain Township
  • Inveraray Castle and Jail


  • Beaver – home of the Scottish Beaver Trial with direct access to the lochs
  • Deer – Red, Roe and Sika
  • Red Squirrels
  • Pine Marten
  • Buzzards, Golden Eagles and if you are lucky Osprey, Wood Pecker and Jays
  • Otters
  • Badgers
  • Our dog and cats

Leisure and Sports

  • Boat trips from Crinan – Venture West
  • Golf – Lochgilphead, Tarbert, Machrihanish, Oban
  • Swimming Pools – Lochgilphead (MacPool), Oban, Dunoon, Campbeltown
  • Mid Argyll Sports Centre

Places to Visit

  • Point of Knap and its sandy beach
  • Crinan and the Crinan Canal, Crinan Ferry beach
  • Tayvallich
  • The Egg Shed, Ardrishaig (Crinan Canal)
  • Kintyre Peninsula and Campbeltown and ferry to Islay – the Whisky Island!
  • Oban and ferries to the islands Mull and Iona, Staffa, Coll and Tiree
  • Cowal Peninsula and Dunoon
  • Isle of Bute and Mount Stuart
  • Loch Fyne Oysters and Fyne Ales
  • Portavadie
  • Gardens at Crarae and Arduaine


  • Campbeltown
  • Islay
  • Jura
  • Oban


  • Lochgilphead – supermarkets (CO-OP and Tesco Express) and local shops including, tackle and outdoor activities, ironmongers, gift shops, fishmonger, 2 petrol stations
  • Oban – larger town with wide selection of retail outlets

Dining (no recommendations though as depends on your taste!)

  • Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig – Hotels and Cafes, Chinese, Indian and Fish & Chip Shop
  • Horseshoe, Kilmichael
  • Kilmarin Hotel and Museum Café
  • Tayvallich Inn and Tayvallich Coffee Shop
  • Crinan Hotel
  • Rafters, Castle Sween
  • Pollys Coffee Stop, Lock 10 Crinan Canal

Useful Contacts

  • Hospital/Surgery – Blarbuie Road, Lochgilphead, PA31 8JZ Tel 01546 4620001
  • Vets – Dalriada Vets, Manse Brae Lochgilphead, PA31 8QX, Tel 01546 602240
  • Police – Lochnell Street, Lochgilphead, PA31 8JJ, Non-Emergency Tel 101, Emergency 999
  • Taxis – Loch Gilp Taxis - 07770812795, KJ Cars - 07970158406, Glenfyne Taxis  - 07850645671
  • Local Buses – West Coast Motors -  Tel 01586 552319

You can access a wide range of information in the holiday ideas section of the website, just click on the links.